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Tall evergreen trees with dark conifer-like foliage.
The cypress has always had a symbolic meaning in all countries. For some, it was a symbol of pain and sadness. And someone has a symbol of the ever-living human soul. For others, it was a symbol of perseverance and invincibility.
But at all times this aesthetically very beautiful plant called attention. Cypress trees are widespread on Earth, they grow in almost every corner of the world where there is a temperate subtropical climate.
These trees are often planted for landscaping parks and squares. Cypress trees growing near water look especially beautiful. One has the impression that they look at the surface of the water, as in a mirror.
In this article, you can choose photos that show cypress branches reflected in the lake water. Such photographs can be an interior decoration or initial elements for the design of articles and materials about nature.
Close-up of cypress branch against blue sky
A cypress branch with dark green leaves against a blue sky. A beautiful photo to use as a background.
Cypress close-up. The top of a plant.
Fluffy cypress branches taken at close range. In the foreground is a branch with clearly defined leaves. Out of focus branches in the background. Nature photos.
Cypress on the water. Sun glare on the surface.
Cypress growing over the water, branches leaning over the lake, the glare of the sun plays on the surface of the water.
Lake, the water surface reflects the blue sky and the cypress branch.
The calm surface of the lake, reflecting the glare of the sun and a cypress branch. Can be used for background screen savers for computers and mobile phones.
Cypress branches above the water. Dark green tree foliage and blue lake.
Beautiful cypress branches over the water of a blue lake. The sun’s rays on the surface of the water and the leaves of cypress. Nature photo.
If you look at these photos, you can feel a wonderful smell, the sun’s rays warm the bark and leaves of the trees, and the cypress begins to smell fragrant.
And you can also hear a very quiet and light splash of water and feel a warm breeze. A state of peace, silence and tranquility. That is what these photos illustrate.
The spectrum of its application is very wide. From photo wallpapers and screensavers to wildlife book illustrations.
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